Thursday, August 20, 2009

What I love about September

Let me start this off by saying I am a summer kind of guy. Love the warm weather and the sweat that is produced while working and having fun just the same. However around this time each year, I look forward to September and the cooler temps it will bring. One of my favorite memories is a September day in which a cold front came upon us and having not watched the weather, it was wholly unexpected to myself and John Vancuren Sr. and Jr. I remember we were visiting out in the street in from of John Jr.'s house and all the sudden the temperature dropped like 15-20 degrees! It was so nice and we all just sat there not saying a word and smiling. It was just a feeling of refreshment. I had no idea that at that time, John Sr. was not to be with us much longer, so that adds to the specialness of that moment. So now each year when old man weather brings us a cool front in late summer/early fall, I just kinda stop and take it in and give myself five minutes to enjoy both the joy of autumn's arrival and the memory of one of the few people I ever truly loved, John VanCuren Sr. RIP.

1 comment:

  1. I remember John Sr and they just don't come any better than he was!
